Praxair Chile Ltda. | apoquindo 4499 , las condes - , RM Región |
Téléphone | (56-600)7729247 |
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ISO 9001:2000ISO 9001:2008 - ISO 14001:2004 - OHSAS 18001:2007Gran Empresa
US$ 5556220
US$ 74478
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Praxair Chile Ltda. | apoquindo 4499 , las condes - , RM Región |
Téléphone | (56-600)7729247 |
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Praxair | manuel bulnes 1088 , concepción - , VIII Región |
Téléphone | (56-41)2733908, (56-600)7729247 |
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Titre: | Inicio | Praxair Chile |
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Descripción: | Praxair Inc. helps customers become profitable and efficient with services like atmosphere gases, pipeline cleaning, polishing products, surface coating, welding supplies and other process and specialty gases. Praxair has 27,000 employees and operations i |